

 Thank you for choosing UC Leather to be your potential sponsor. UC Leather is a lot more than a sponsorship, we are an empowerment program for rodeo enthusiasts. Our goal is to help, motivate and maintain not only a positive outlook on rodeo activities, but an overall well-being. We will work hard to go above and beyond our potential sponsorship. This sponsorship could range from simply supplying decals, discounts or offering full clothing lines depending on the individual or team being sponsored. Our sponsorship program is unlike any generic everyday program. We look for specific qualities and traits that will overall benefit the company and the individual being sponsored. Please follow the instructions below to qualify for a sponsorship.


Please email us at Clay@UCLeatherCompany.com
Tell us about yourself and how you could benefit us in this sponsorship. Share with us your individual competitor achievements, and include pictures and/or a video of your event.